The pot or "Kitchen witch" is a thermally insulated box that saves energy in preparing our food. This method is to use very old and is simply to exploit the latent heat of boiling water once, to finish cooking. In this way the cooking of food continues, without adding energy (gas, kerosene, firewood, etc).
In Chile, has been in the field where reputation has endured over the use of the kitchen witch. However, in times of energy crisis and climate change are increasingly environmentally conscious people who follow this practice.
The ancients called "witch", because they thought that the food is cooked without fire was "magical." However, understanding the process we will see which is pure applied physics.
First, we know that cooking food produces approximately 80 to 100 º C of temperature of the liquid that contains, or is the more you prolong this period of time without the intervention of a flame or heat , most likely is cooking the food.
have to keep the pot loses heat. Succeed in isolating the pot properly maintain its temperature for several minutes even remove from heat.
How to build a pot
1. looking for a large cardboard box
2. Short pieces of Styrofoam to line the inner walls of the box
3. lining each piece of Styrofoam with foil
4. glue the Styrofoam lined the walls of the box inside
5. stuffs a piece of Styrofoam to serve as the box cover and make it as airtight as possible.
6. at the bottom of the box placed two wooden listoncitos you will support your hot pot.
7. You can beautify your cool box (witch pot) on the outside.
Testing witch pot
After boil the pan in the kitchen for 3 to 4 minutes, placed in the box, cover and continue simmering food longer without wasting energy. From the table we can get the approximate time that require different types of food to finish cooking.
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