Saturday, October 2, 2010

Alicia Rutter London Ontario


Surely you've heard about it, but what is really, buying new light bulbs, turning off lights, do not use electrical appliances, living with less light? Let's see what it means.

Due to the impacts of climate has generated global Earth, the concept of energy efficiency today is a big stage to perform. It is important that we know what it is and how to apply energy efficiency in our lives.

The National Energy Efficiency Program (PPEE), an organization that belongs to the National Energy Commission defined this concept as:

"set of actions to optimize the relationship between the amount of energy consumed and the products and final services obtained. This can be achieved through the implementation of various measures and investments in technology, management and cultural habits in the community.

measurement technology investment refers to purchasing new technologies to improve production processes or design and manufacture products that use less energy, such as refrigerators, fans, bulbs and other products currently available in the market.

The measure is related to resource management, such as the Public Buildings Programme being implemented in our country. It consists of a series of measures to identify which is the energy consumption per square meter and number of staff.

The measure cultural habits is equally important because through it we can adopt behaviors that help make efficient consumption in our homes, schools, workplace, etc.


Food processing is a daily energy demand in homes, often marked by energy waste.

try to use pressure cookers, because with them you can achieve higher temperatures, reducing cooking time by up to 50%.

Boil water in a kettle, it is more efficient than heating in the kitchen and then saves the hot water in a thermos.


The increased use of household appliances such as washing and drying clothes, has led to greater energy demand, that is, increased pressure on natural resources.

When using the washing machine with full loads and do not select high wash temperatures, with 90% of the energy consumed by the washer is used to heat the water. Do not use programs longer than necessary and used only for pre-wash heavily soiled clothes. REDUCE

Between 1997 and 2007 were imported to Chile more than 240 thousand units air conditioners, which require significant energy consumption in the summer. In an area of \u200b\u200b20 square meters, air conditioning consumes about 1000 watts per hour of operation.

Reduce the operating hours of equipment. Country Energy Efficiency Program estimates that if these 240 000 teams reduced their use for 3 hours daily for 60 days, could generate savings of 43.2 GWh and would be reduced by 18 000 tonnes the quantity of carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere.


not only industries but also the high energy consumption in homes have a responsibility the global warming.

Save energy. Replace a compact fluorescent bulb prevents 68 kg of carbon dioxide a year per person. RECYCLE

an aluminum delay of 350 to 400 years to biodegrade and their production involves air pollution with sulfur dioxide that cause acid rain.

Recycle cans, get recycled aluminum reduces pollution and contributes to lower power usage compared to the processing of virgin materials. Recycling one aluminum can saves the energy needed to keep a television on during 3 hours. CONSIDER

electrical appliances in the kitchen modern life much easier, but if not used properly can become a source of wasted energy.

Consider the following aspects of energy efficiency in your refrigerator: do not buy a larger than necessary, it will consume more than the right thing, keep it at 5 ° C and -18 º C, keep the door open for the shortest possible time and check the rubber seal that, changing them if damaged. CONSIDER

A house can become a permanent source of environmental impacts if their design does not provide this variable.

If you are building, consider the bioclimatic design, which is guiding the windows and distributing space taking into account the terrain, the path of the sun and drafts. A well designed, can reduce heating bills by 75%. SEPARATES

Throw junk unauthorized places disfigures the landscape and environmental wasted opportunity, because if instead is sent to recycling, are reduced by 71% the emissions of air pollutants and 56% water, and energy savings of 52%. Separate

scrap of garbage and remitting recyclable material collectors in your district.

energy demand in Chile is growing at around 5% per year, equivalent to a reservoir of 1,400 million m3 dedicated only to produce energy, a way to conserve water is to minimize the consumption of electricity: turn off lights and appliances appliances when you're not using, including energy efficiency criteria in your decision to buy and use efficient light bulbs that, while more expensive, last longer and spend less. SAVE

world's glaciers are receding due to global warming.

supports renewable energy development as opposed to those based on coal, natural gas and oil, and ensuring the efficient use of electrical appliances in the home.


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