Saturday, December 22, 2007

Marlin 336cs Made In 1984

Giadach Welcome Message Domeyko

My relationship with minerals is of long standing, I remember that I always struck by the multiplicity of forms and colors that can be found at ground level. At first he kept those he considered striking boulders on either a walk or on a Mall in my city. Later, and thanks to some classes at the University realized that in fact "my rock" was much more than that, thanks to the methodical reading and conversations with geographers and geologists I went in to the world of mineralogy and crystallography to better understand those stones that are spending time on my shelves.

Thanks to the above, I was internalizing concepts such as the crystal structure, mineral species and classification issues in visu. Parallel to this I was looking for groups of collectors in Chile to meet with great surprise that there was no space to bring together the collectors of minerals, only a number of mining associations and companies whose purpose is purely in economic, rather than merely recreation.

is why I decided to open this virtual space as a way to meet more collectors nationally and I must say the result has been phenomenal. Week after week I meet new pieces in new and increasingly libraries will strengthen ties in Chile and the world since the Internet mineralogists blanket several groups in which they can participate and feel part of a global community of collectors and amateur mineralogy.

Thanks to the contacts, I have received parts that otherwise could never enjoy having them on my shelves, Fluorite Morocco Orellanitas Calcite Patagonia and English among others, have come to my library through the courtesy virtual within community of collectors. I made parallel shipments minerals representative of Chile, like Chrysocolla and Lapis as a form of appreciation, foreign collectors.

believe that as the world of mineralogy is so broad and constant updating is vital to maintain an openness to continual learning and integration within a global mineralogical community. If you collect mineral independently and is a beautiful way of life activity, establish relationships with other persons involved to the same thing makes it even better.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Dvr Shows Count Towards Ratings

Axt on Chilean

(Click on images to enlarge the text)

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

External Blu Ray Burner Hdmi

Mineralogy Photo Gallery Virtual Library Amincha

In this section you will see some pictures of the different collections of members, as well as the outputs we produce, and other topics related to mineral collecting.

stock Members

William Aguiar

Juan Manuel Alvarez

Jorge Araneda

In this gallery include the minerals in the collection of George and other uploads it to your site Mineraland Chile

Pedro Astudillo

Steffan Giadach

Marlene Gracia

Alonso Reyes

Visits to museums

National Museum of Natural History

For Steffan Giadach

Mineralogical Museum of Copiapo

photos and Angela Marlene Gracia Claverie

Sewell Museum

By Barbara Miranda

Granite Caldera Orbicularis

By Angela Claverie

Mineralogical Museum in La Serena

By Angela Claverie

Museum De Vicuña

By Jorge Peña

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Phrases For A Wedding Shower

Welcome to our Library , there are some of the necessary qualifications to increase knowledge of both Chile Mineralogical World. If you have data you can share a book by sending your link to

To access the reading of the texts you must click on the titles of the books. From all of other sites so if a link were to fail please let us know to get the missing link of the book elsewhere.

worth mentioning that the Amincha not own any rights to the texts. Only provide the links for reading on the basis of availability provided by the sites for each publication online. If any reader or writer does not like the fact that a book is in this section please do so via email to know to reach an agreement or immediate withdrawal.

Links are sorted based on the date of inclusion and notice is given to members via email.

History of Mineralogy

Complete work on the development of mineralogy since ancient times until today. With illustrative photographs. Its author is Ricardo J. Sureda and is published by the National University of Tucumán, Argentina.

Course Gem

Notable Gem course where are some of the healing properties of minerals and energy. With illustrative photographs and explanations. Posted by Angela.

American Mineralogist

American Mineralogist, published by the Mineraloical Society Of America. Provides access to full text articles from 1916 to 2000. No doubt a great resource when inquiring about the mineralogy in North America with the earliest records of classic and new mineral deposits.

Exotic Mineralogy

Illustrative work on mineralogy that is noted for its profuse color plates with extensive descriptions of minerals representative of Britain. Its author is James Sowerby. Work published in 1817.

Minerals of Canada

Great poster published by the Mineralogical Association of Canada where we know the location of landmarks such as the mineral Labradorite, Amethyst and Diamonds North, among others.

Gems of Mexico

Interesting text on Gems of Mexico. Both its history and its handling and use are clearly explained with illustrative photographs that allow us to see both some crude minerals as well as its conversion into a gem. The authors are Ocampo, Canet and García. Published in the Bulletin of the Geological Society of Mexico.

Sites and mining towns of Chile

essay on the most emblematic of our country's mining sites. It tells the story of important sites like Humberstone and Chañarcillo and its relevance to national mining over time. Available at the website, the author is Felipe Oyarzun.

Soil Formation

September slide with graphics very educational to understand the dynamics of training soil. Posted by Marlene.

Radioactive Minerals

radioactive minerals
Notes published in the Journal of the Royal Society Vascongada Friends of the Country (Spain) 1957

Capillitas Mina, a deposit Epithermal

Article about the famous Capillitas Rhodochrosite mine in Argentina. The author, Maria Florencia Marquez introduces us to the world of genesis and dynamics of this large site which houses over 100 different minerals.


Notable Mineralocosmética or composition on the inclusion of minerals in the field of body care and skin. By Anna Codina.

Physical and Chemical Properties

Exhibition physical and chemical properties of minerals with notions of classification in visu. Faculty of Engineering of the Universidad Nacional del Comahue (Argentina)

Mexico Minerals

Compilation de visu of certain minerals of economic value in Mexico. You can see properties of minerals such as Lead Smithsonite and derivatives, among others.


Emotional poems compiled by English poet Juan Peña, which shows a sensitivity rarely seen to the mineral kingdom.

Manual of Mineralogy

celebrity bedside book on topics of mineralogy. He is considered the same way as the text of Chang in Chemistry, Mathematics and Vile Baldor in Biology. Text is very concise and easy to read, especially when defining the characteristics and behavior of minerals. The entire work comprises two volumes, offering in this library, the First.

Mineralojia elements

One of the first mineralogical analysis about Chile. Through an exciting reading and guided by the pen of Domeyko discover some of the most representative mineral deposits of Chile, together with some methods to help us in our classification. Notable is the final appendix where a synthesis of species of the mineral kingdom can be found in our territory.

Practice Notebook

Compiled macroscopic recognition of Minerals (In Visu) Prepared by Professor Jacinto Azcárate the University of Castilla - La Mancha in Spain. It also includes some exercises for Cartography and Geology.

Mineral List Recognized by the IMA (October 2008)

International Mineralogical Association is the body that officially recognizes the new minerals discovered, as well, and updated lists of families and mineral species after a thorough research work at international level. This list includes some minerals like Juangodoyita Chileans, among others.

Practice 3 (mineral)

Document Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Spain) that explains the features of the recognition of minerals based on their physical properties.

History of Mineral Collecting

Notable journey along the history of mineral collecting in the world. Its author Juan Miguel Casanova is and has been published in the journal Paleomina Mineralogical Association of San Vicente de Paleontological l Raspeig (Spain)

Mineralogy and origin of lapis lazuli deposit Flor de los Andes, Chile

Great article on the site of lapis Flor de los Andes, located in the high mountains of Ovalle. The authors are Rodrigo Corona and Maria Elena Benavides. This work was published in the Bulletin of Mineralogy of The Mexican Society of Mineralogy.

Practices Mineralogy II (not silicates)

Mineralogy Practice Book published by Francisco Javier Luque teachers and Josefina Sierra de la UCM (Spain) where we see the main features of Visu Minerals along with ideas for Microscopy and Crystalline Structures.

Geotechnical Teaching Guide

Geotechnical teaching guide where we can find information on topics such as classification and Tables in Visu schematic with the characteristics most representative minerals. Published by the National University of Cordoba (Argentina)

Practical 2: Minerals and Rocks

Practical Guide with questions about minerals and rocks, very educational and comprehensive to test our knowledge . Published by the University of La República (Uruguay)

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Can You Kill Space Sharks

Hi, since childhood I have drawn attention to the stones, crystals that I found I still keep on the hill as a kid, now I have 20 years and when I see a sale mineral I can not resist the temptation to buy it anyway just this year I began to find the names of the stones that had (for that purchase a book called "Illustrated Atlas Minerals" and then internet), because before I only conformed with its beauty, but it's been fascinating to find that there are all you lovers of minerals, and that was very motivating to continue with my hobby, like the collection I have is tiny and I have had enough to know the name.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Colection Tech Decks

Santibañez Jorge Luis Peña Patricio Alejandro Carvajal T. Guillermo Aguilar Mendez

'm Patricio Carvajal. Despite my academic training Geographer know the subject of mineralogy, I find that this is a good instance to enrich my knowledge.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Lincoln Ls Valve Cover Gasket Leaks

My name is Guillermo Aguilar Mendez, Chemical'm a scientist, born in Cuba 49 years ago, but I live in Chile for chemical diez.Como had my first contact with the mineralogy as a student, when as part of a practical participated, along with other classmates, the geological survey of the Sierra del Escambray in my province. At that time, we collected the first samples and conducted the first analysis. But there was all the samples were delivered, the analysis classified and never knew the results. After graduation, I devoted myself to the teaching of Physical Chemistry and I had more to do with Organic Chemistry mineralogía.Pero with a year ago, while teaching chemistry at my high school students, to achieve the unity of the rocks and soils is not me think of anything better we started to gather some stones and classify rocks and minerals. The idea caught on, and one day I found a huge amount of rocks of different colors, shapes and sizes gathered in yards, creeks and valleys of Huechuraba. At that moment I realized that to sort those things had to get to school, and so my interest grew again in the colors and shapes of nature inorganic. That ignited a more interesting when at the time, appeared in Chile the first signs of Salvat collection of minerals, which I bought every week since then, this, together with some other samples up my little collection, which I can criticize constructively in a momento.Como result I am become novice and amateur collector, whose interest in the minerals is the collection, simple possession of a sample, only to delight, from time to time, by contemplating submissive and passive, the variety and richness of forms and colors that offers inorganic nature of this planet.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

[hdtv Antenna Indoor Ottawa]

Juan Manuel Alvarez Alvarez

I began in the early collectors in the Maipo Valley, specifically in the area of \u200b\u200bSan Gabriel and El Ingenio, without prejudice to take mineral samples that I brought from my travels abroad, mainly I'm interested in minerals and rocks of Chile, I have special fondness for lapizlasuli, quartz, malachite, azurite and atacamite. Also collect fossils Chilean and archaeological objects. Some years ago formed a corporation to defend the documentary and iconographic heritage of Chile and from that perspective I have much material on Chilean ancient books of mineralogy, I have mine and even one of the first copies of the ordinances for New Spain, which gave the Crown Espeñola to America. Of course I have the first editions of books Domeyko. At every opportunity I have to travel and seek to explore mineral samples. I know the country from lauca National Park, Pacific Islands to Antarctica. I want to be able to maintain contact with all partners to exchange knowledge, information, documentation and minerals. Right now I am forming the Corporation of the museum of paleontology at Caldera.